Next week is Homecoming/Red Ribbon Week! Please find the schedule for the dress up days below. They are the same for high school and elementary, except for Wednesday (class color day).

MSHS will have a "Virtual Day" on Friday, October 23rd. Parents may choose to send their children to school or keep them at home that day. All teachers will be "on campus" to assist students the entire day. Going "virtual" for one day allows students to practice working independently on their Google Classroom assignments for that day and communicating with their teachers via email or online meetings. This experience also provides the opportunity for students and teachers to identify problems, glitches, and obstacles that may arise if MSHS does "go virtual" for any reason. Again, parents may choose to send their children to school on Friday the 23rd or let them remain at home. In either event, students will participate in their full day of scheduled learning activities in the classroom or at home.

Grades K-12 will be having a "virtual day" on Friday, October 23 to test our virtual learning platform in the students' home environment. During this virtual day, students are not required to be present in the building. They will instead do their assignments from home. However, if your children need to come to school, buses will be running and meals will be served. Preschool will remain on their normal schedule, as they do not have a virtual option. If you do not have internet access at home, please call 870-625-7213 to notify the school no later than Wednesday, October 21. This will allow us plenty of time to make the appropriate accommodations for those students with no internet access.

Monday night's basketball games with Calico Rock have been cancelled.

As of tomorrow, the breakfast menu is subject to change. We will try to update the app and website with any changes as soon as we can. Thank you!

Picture re-takes/sports pictures that were scheduled for this week have been postponed to a later date in November or December. We will announce the exact date as soon as the photographer lets us know.

Financial Aid Night is tonight from 5:30-6:30 in the High School Library. Ozarka Financial Aid staff will be on hand to answer questions and help seniors fill out their FAFSA. Parents of seniors are encouraged to attend.
Masks and social distancing are required.

Due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in our area, the Mammoth Spring School District has made the decision to cancel all athletic events for the week of October 12-16. We are currently working on our COVID plan on campus to allow for more social distancing among students and staff. We ask that everyone be mindful of social distancing and wearing masks when out in public places. We thank you all for your continued support and efforts to keep our students and staff safe and healthy.

Extra tickets for Monday’s Blue & White Game (Boys Session & Girls Session) are available for pick up at the Main Gym. Please call 870-371-1344 when you are outside and we will bring them to your vehicle! #3DAYS #GOBEARS

Calling all Bear fans! Since we will not have a visitor crowd for the Blue and White game, we have decided to do a one-time ticket giveaway this Thursday, October 8 from 5:30-6 PM in front of the high school. These will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis and you must be present at the time of pick-up to use these tickets. You cannot send someone to pick the tickets up for you. The games will consist of 1 girls session and 1 boys session with 20 pods of 2 and 1 pod of 4 available for each session. A total of 44 tickets for each session will be available. Limit of 1 session per person. Again, this is a one-time deal!
We ask that everyone pull in front of the high school doors and stay in their vehicles when picking up tickets.
The Blue and White games are scheduled for Monday, October 12 starting at 5:30 PM. Masks and social distancing will be enforced in the gym to ensure the health and safety of our athletes, coaches, and fans.

Revised 2020-21 basketball schedule

Updated schedule for the Bears and Lady Bears
**Subject to change**

Virtual Meals are continuing to be distributed each Friday from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m.
We are asking that if you have requested a meal, and have not picked them up, please call if you still want a meal. We know things happen. If we do not hear from you, we will stop making meals for those that have not picked up in 3 weeks.
If you want a meal and have never asked for a meal for your virtual student(s), please call the school at 870-625-7212 to have them added.
Thank you!

The schedule for "After-School Tutoring" for the week of October 5th through October 9th from 3:15 pm until 4:15 pm is as follows:
MONDAY (5th) Mrs. Doss/Math & Science.
TUESDAY (6th) Mrs. Savage/English, Social Studies & Google Classroom; Crystal Martin/Health, Science, Edgenuity, Google Classroom & Kami; Ms. Chappell/Math & Computer Science. WEDNESDAY (7th) Ms. Wiley/History, Science & Google Classroom; Ms. Chappell/Math & Computer Science.
THURSDAY (8th) Mrs. Savage/English, Social Studies & Google Classroom; Mr. Robbins/Math.
If you want your student(s) to attend any of these tutoring sessions, please contact Mrs. Werbeck by noon of each day. If you child cannot make it to an appointment for tutoring, please notify Mrs. Werbeck by 2 pm of that day.

Steve Russell devoted his life to the students, staff, and the community of the Mammoth Spring School District. Above all, he was a beloved husband, father, and friend. In tribute, the attached video was created in his memory.

MSHS "After-School Tutoring" begins today, Wednesday the 30th. This is an opportunity for all MSHS students to receive additional assistance in their core classes. Tutoring begins at 3:15 pm until 4:15 pm. The days tutoring is available are Monday through Thursday.
Each week, a schedule will be posted with the teachers and the subject they teach, as well as the day(s) they are available for the additional services.
Today, Wednesday (30th) Ms. Doss is available from 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm for 7th & 8th Math and Science.
Tomorrow, Thursday (Oct 1st) Mrs. Savage is available from 3:15 pm - 4:14 pm for English and Social Studies.
If you want your student(s) to participate in the tutoring, please call Ms. Werbeck at (870)625-3612 or email dwerbeck@mssd.us for an appointment.
If your student(s) are unable to attend their tutoring session, please, call Ms. Werbeck or email her by 2 pm.

2020-2021 Mr. and Miss MSHS
Cole Young and Shelby VanGinhoven

The Mammoth Spring School District will not be in session tomorrow due to a tragic loss of a current board member, a spouse of a faculty member, and a respected community member. The time will be made up at a later date.

The board meeting that was scheduled for tonight has been rescheduled for tomorrow, September 29 at 12:15 pm.

MSHS progress reports will be mailed to Parent/Guardians tomorrow, Tuesday (29th).